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nain4 has 3 main goals:

  1. Enabling writing Geant4 application code much more concisely: increasing the signal to noise ratio of Geant4 code.

  2. Making it easy to write automated tests for Geant4 application code.

  3. Promoting Geant4 errors from run-time to compile-time.

Why is it called nain4?

Géant and nain are French words:

  • Géant: giant (noun); giant, huge (adjectives)
  • Nain: dwarf, midget (nouns); dwarf, miniature (adjectives)

With nain4, you can express in a tiny amount of code, that which would take huge amounts of code to express in plain Geant4; turn your gigantic source files into miniature ones, without loss of meaning.

How should I pronounce nain4?

Rendered in the International Phonetic Alphabet, the pronunciation of the French word nain, is \nɛ̃\.

In English this is, very roughly, something like nuh.

This sound tends to get drowned out and sound odd, in the middle of a sentence spoken in English, and many other languages. Therefore feel free to pronounce it nano. In Spanish, enano is especially appropriate.