How to create a minimal nain4 app

Building the app

One of the most basic examples of a nain4 app can be found in templates/basic/src/ Here is the full file:

#include <n4-all.hh>

#include <G4GenericMessenger.hh>

#include <G4PrimaryParticle.hh>
#include <G4String.hh>
#include <G4SystemOfUnits.hh>   // physical units such as `m` for metre
#include <G4Event.hh>           // needed to inject primary particles into an event
#include <G4Box.hh>             // for creating shapes in the geometry
#include <G4Sphere.hh>          // for creating shapes in the geometry
#include <FTFP_BERT.hh>         // our choice of physics list
#include <G4RandomDirection.hh> // for launching particles in random directions

#include <G4ThreeVector.hh>
#include <cstdlib>

struct my {
  G4double       straw_radius{0.1 * m};
  G4double      bubble_radius{0.2 * m};
  G4double      socket_rot   {-90 * deg};
  G4String      particle_name{"geantino"};
  G4double      particle_energy{511 * keV};
  G4ThreeVector particle_dir {};

auto my_generator(const my& my) {
  return [&](G4Event* event) {
    auto particle_type = n4::find_particle(my.particle_name);
    auto vertex = new G4PrimaryVertex();
    auto r = my.particle_dir.mag2() > 0 ? my.particle_dir : G4RandomDirection();
    vertex -> SetPrimary(new G4PrimaryParticle(
                           r.x(), r.y(), r.z(),
    event  -> AddPrimaryVertex(vertex);

n4::actions* create_actions(my& my, unsigned& n_event) {
  auto my_stepping_action = [&] (const G4Step* step) {
    auto pt = step -> GetPreStepPoint();
    auto volume_name = pt -> GetTouchable() -> GetVolume() -> GetName();
    if (volume_name == "straw" || volume_name == "bubble") {
      auto pos = pt -> GetPosition();
      std::cout << volume_name << " " << pos << std::endl;

  auto my_event_action = [&] (const G4Event*) {
     std::cout << "end of event " << n_event << std::endl;

  return (new n4::        actions{my_generator(my)  })
 -> set( (new n4::   event_action{                  }) -> end(my_event_action) )
 -> set(  new n4::stepping_action{my_stepping_action});

auto my_geometry(const my& my) {
  auto r_bub = my.bubble_radius;
  auto r_str = my.straw_radius;
  auto water  = n4::material("G4_WATER");
  auto air    = n4::material("G4_AIR");
  auto steel  = n4::material("G4_STAINLESS-STEEL");
  auto world  = n4::box("world").cube(2*m).x(3*m).volume(water);

  n4::sphere("bubble").r(r_bub)         .place(air).in(world).at  (1.3*m, 0.8*m, 0.3*m).now();
  n4::tubs  ("straw" ).r(r_str).z(1.9*m).place(air).in(world).at_x(0.2*m              ).now();

  n4       ::sphere("socket-cap" ).r(0.3*m).phi_delta(180*deg)
    .sub(n4::box   ("socket-hole").cube(0.4*m))
    .place(steel).in(world).rotate_x(my.socket_rot).at(1*m, 0, 0.7*m).now();

  return n4::place(world).now();

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  unsigned n_event = 0;

  my my;

  G4int physics_verbosity = 0;

  // The trailing slash after '/my_geometry' is CRUCIAL: without it, the
  // messenger violates the principle of least surprise.
  auto messenger = new G4GenericMessenger{nullptr, "/my/", "docs: bla bla bla"};
  messenger -> DeclarePropertyWithUnit("straw_radius"      , "m"  , my. straw_radius  );
  messenger -> DeclarePropertyWithUnit("bubble_radius"     , "m"  , my.bubble_radius  );
  messenger -> DeclarePropertyWithUnit("socket_rot"        , "deg", my.socket_rot     );
  messenger -> DeclarePropertyWithUnit("particle_energy"   , "keV", my.particle_energy);
  messenger -> DeclareProperty        ("particle"          ,        my.particle_name  );
  messenger -> DeclareProperty        ("particle_direction",        my.particle_dir   );
  messenger -> DeclareProperty        ("physics_verbosity" ,        physics_verbosity );

    .ui("CHANGEME-EXE", argc, argv)
    .apply_command("/my/straw_radius 0.5 m")
    .apply_cli_early() // CLI --early executed at this point
    // .apply_command(...) // also possible after apply_early_macro

    .geometry([&] { return my_geometry(my); })
    .actions(create_actions(my, n_event))

    .apply_command("/my/particle e-")
    .apply_cli_late() // CLI --late executed at this point
    // .apply_command(...) // also possible after apply_late_macro


  // Important! physics list has to be set before the generator!


Now, let's split it into bite-sized portions. First we create a simple program that reads the number of events from CLI:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

In order to run a simulation we need to create a run manager:

    .ui("CHANGEME-EXE", argc, argv)
    .apply_command("/my/straw_radius 0.5 m")
    .apply_cli_early() // CLI --early executed at this point
    // .apply_command(...) // also possible after apply_early_macro

    .geometry([&] { return my_geometry(my); })
    .actions(create_actions(my, n_event))

    .apply_command("/my/particle e-")
    .apply_cli_late() // CLI --late executed at this point
    // .apply_command(...) // also possible after apply_late_macro


The run manager needs to be initialized with 3 attributes:

  • A physics list
  • A geometry
  • A set of actions

To build the action set we need to provide a primary generator action. Other actions are optional. Note that the physics list must be instantiated and given to the run manager before the primary generator is instantiated. We provide the run manager with these attributes:

  // Important! physics list has to be set before the generator!

here, my_geometry, and my_generator are the two functions we need to provide to run our simulation:

auto my_geometry(const my& my) {
  auto r_bub = my.bubble_radius;
  auto r_str = my.straw_radius;
  auto water  = n4::material("G4_WATER");
  auto air    = n4::material("G4_AIR");
  auto steel  = n4::material("G4_STAINLESS-STEEL");
  auto world  = n4::box("world").cube(2*m).x(3*m).volume(water);

  n4::sphere("bubble").r(r_bub)         .place(air).in(world).at  (1.3*m, 0.8*m, 0.3*m).now();
  n4::tubs  ("straw" ).r(r_str).z(1.9*m).place(air).in(world).at_x(0.2*m              ).now();

  n4       ::sphere("socket-cap" ).r(0.3*m).phi_delta(180*deg)
    .sub(n4::box   ("socket-hole").cube(0.4*m))
    .place(steel).in(world).rotate_x(my.socket_rot).at(1*m, 0, 0.7*m).now();

  return n4::place(world).now();

auto my_generator(const my& my) {
  return [&](G4Event* event) {
    auto particle_type = n4::find_particle(my.particle_name);
    auto vertex = new G4PrimaryVertex();
    auto r = my.particle_dir.mag2() > 0 ? my.particle_dir : G4RandomDirection();
    vertex -> SetPrimary(new G4PrimaryParticle(
                           r.x(), r.y(), r.z(),
    event  -> AddPrimaryVertex(vertex);

and create_actions is defined as:

n4::actions* create_actions(my& my, unsigned& n_event) {
  auto my_stepping_action = [&] (const G4Step* step) {
    auto pt = step -> GetPreStepPoint();
    auto volume_name = pt -> GetTouchable() -> GetVolume() -> GetName();
    if (volume_name == "straw" || volume_name == "bubble") {
      auto pos = pt -> GetPosition();
      std::cout << volume_name << " " << pos << std::endl;

  auto my_event_action = [&] (const G4Event*) {
     std::cout << "end of event " << n_event << std::endl;

  return (new n4::        actions{my_generator(my)  })
 -> set( (new n4::   event_action{                  }) -> end(my_event_action) )
 -> set(  new n4::stepping_action{my_stepping_action});

With this, our setup is ready, and we can start the simulation with

Don't forget to add the relevant includes

#include <n4-all.hh>

#include <G4GenericMessenger.hh>

#include <G4PrimaryParticle.hh>
#include <G4String.hh>
#include <G4SystemOfUnits.hh>   // physical units such as `m` for metre
#include <G4Event.hh>           // needed to inject primary particles into an event
#include <G4Box.hh>             // for creating shapes in the geometry
#include <G4Sphere.hh>          // for creating shapes in the geometry
#include <FTFP_BERT.hh>         // our choice of physics list
#include <G4RandomDirection.hh> // for launching particles in random directions

#include <G4ThreeVector.hh>
#include <cstdlib>

Compiling the app

The app comes with its own CMakeLists.txt:

{{#include ../../../examples/00-basic/CMakeLists.txt:full_file}}

This contains the following bits. First, we have the project initialization:

{{#include ../../../examples/00-basic/CMakeLists.txt:project_setup}}

It specifies the minimum cmake version, defines the project name and some lines necessary for code analysis in IDEs. Next, we include nain4 and Geant4 in our project:

{{#include ../../../examples/00-basic/CMakeLists.txt:include_nain4_geant4}}

Note that we have chosen to use an existing installation of nain4 so this example runs out of the box when run within nain4. If you were to copy this example and run it elsewhere, make sure to check How to make nain4 available in a Geant4/cmake project.

Finally, we create an executable file and link it to the relevant libraries.

{{#include ../../../examples/00-basic/CMakeLists.txt:create_exe_and_link}}

To compile the app we cd into 00-basic and run just compile-app or

cmake -S . -B build && cmake --build build

Running the app

To run this app type just run-app <number of events> (after compilation) from the 00-basic directory. You can also achieve the same typing ./build/n4-00-basic <number of events>.

As this simulation is extremelly basic, it doesn't produce anything. You will only see a Geant4 header.