How to generate random numbers

nain4 offers a range of utilities to generate random numbers. This includes scalars, tuples and 3-vectors. All these methods are declared in the header <n4-random.hh> which is transitively included by <n4-utils.hh>. They are gathered in the namespace nain4::random.


The methods described in this section generate a single number.

Continuous distributions

  • uniform(): generates a random floating point number homogeneously distributed in the range [0, 1).
  • uniform(low, high): generates a random floating point number homogeneously distributed in the range [low, high).
  • uniform_half_width(hw): generates a random floating point number homogeneously distributed in the range [-hw, hw).
  • uniform_width(w): generates a random floating point number homogeneously distributed in the range [-w/2, w/2).

Discrete distributions

  • biased_coin(p_true): generates a random boolean with probability p_true of being true.
  • fair_die(n_sides): generates a random unsigned integer in the range [0, n_sides - 1] with equal probability.
  • gen = biased_choice(weights): provides a generator of unsigned integers in the range [0, weights.size() - 1] with given weights. The generator must be called to obtain a number: random_number = gen().


  • random_in_disc(r): generates a pair of floating point numbers {x, y} that satisfy x^2 + y^2 <= r^2.


The methods described in this section generate G4ThreeVectors.

  • random_in_sphere(r): generates a vector of floating point numbers {x, y, z} that satisfy x^2 + y^2 + z^2 <= r^2.


nain4 provides the direction builder to help generate random directions. By default this tool generates unit vectors distributed isotropically in 4π, but it can be configured to restrict the generation to certain directions.

The general usage pattern is

auto generator = n4::random::direction{}.<optional extra specifications>;
auto one_random_unit_vector = generator.get();

The <optional extra specifications> are described below. θ (theta) is the polar angle measured with respect to the positive z-axis and φ (phi) is the azimuthal angle with φ=0 in the plane of the positive x-axis and increasing towards the positive y-axis, unless the axes are re-oriented with .rotate_{x,y,z}.

The following specifiers (with hopefully self-explanatory names) restrict the angles of the generated directions

  • {min,max}_theta(<angle in radians>) or (<angle in degrees> * deg)

    • range: [0, π] or [0, 180°]
  • {min,max}_cos_theta(<ratio>) range: [-1, 1]

  • {min,max}_phi(<angle in radians>) or (<angle in degrees> * deg)

    • range: [0, 2π] or [0, 360°]
  • rotate_{x,y,z}(<angle in radians>) or (<angle in degrees> * deg)

    rotation around the specified axis. range: [0, 2π] or [0, 360°]

  • rotate(<G4RotationMatrix>)

  • bidirectional(): accept both the current selection and its reflection in the origin.

  • exclude(): invert the selection. Generates the complement of the selected criteria. Bear in mind that this method is more computationally expensive as it needs to generate directions until the result is not rejected. Very restricted directionalities are discouraged.


TODO: add pictures

  • Isotropic emission: n4::direction{}

  • Opening angle around the positive z axis: n4::direction().max_theta(theta)

  • Opening angle around the positive x axis: n4::direction().max_theta(theta).rotate_y(90 * deg)

  • Only one octant: n4::direction().min_cos_theta(0).min_phi(CLHEP::halfpi).max_phi(CLHEP::pi)

  • Back-to-back beams around the positive z axis with some opening angle: n4::direction().max_theta(theta).bidirectional()

  • Isotropic except for some small angle around the negative z-axis: n4::direction().min_theta(7*CLHEP::pi/8).exclude()