Library headers

nain4 provides headers of different granularity, for convenience in different situations.


Gives access to all nain4 components. This header is meant to be used for exploration:

  • when you are just getting started with nain4 and don't want to be distracted by the need to find specific headers for specific situations

  • when you want LSP to help you discover available features

  • When your whole nain4 application still lives in a single source file

As your program grows and is split into multiple files, and you gain more experience with nain4, it would be more appropriate to use the more fine-grained headers, described below.

  • <n4-main.hh>

    Groups together utilities that are required to write the main function of a nain4 application. These are also available via the separate headers:

    • <n4-run-manager.hh>: nain4 interface for configuring the Geant4 run manager
    • <n4-mandatory.hh>: nain4 utilities for concise implementation of the user-defined classes that must be registered with the run manager
  • <n4-geometry.hh>

    Groups together functionality that is typically used in defining detector geometries. These are also available via the separate headers:

    • <n4-material>: finding existing materials; constructing new materials
    • <n4-shape>: construction of G4VSolids
    • <n4-boolean-shape>: construction of boolean solids
    • <n4-volume> creation of logical volumes
    • <n4-place> creation and placement of physical volumes
    • <n4-sensitive> nain4 utilities for concise implementation of G4VSensitiveDetector
  • <n4-utils.hh>

    Various ready-made conveniences to alleviate the tedium and verbosity of oft-encountered tasks. These are also available via the separate headers:

    • <n4-constants.hh>: physical constants not provided by CLHEP
    • <n4-inspect.hh>: finding existing geometry components, materials, etc.
    • <n4-random.hh>: random number generation
    • <n4-sequences.hh>: convenient creation of sequences of numerical data
    • <n4-stream.hh>: redirecting or silencing C++ output streams
  • <n4-testing.hh>

    Utilities to help with writing automated tests for nain4 applications. These are also available via the separate headers:

    • <n4-defaults.hh>: ready-made dummy application components
    • <n4-geometry-iterators.hh>: iterating over all sub-elements of a geometry
  • Other headers

    • <n4-exceptions.hh>: exceptions relating to situations arising in nain4 code