Managing nain4 versions

The version of nain4 used by your project is determined by two files in its top-level directory:

  1. flake.nix
  2. flake.lock

By default, flake.nix contains the line

nain4.url = "github:jacg/nain4";

which states that nain4 should be taken from the default branch (master) of the nain4 repository owned by user jacg on GitHub.


  • the official master branch receives frequent updates, and
  • you don't want the version of nain4 that your project uses to change without your knowledge and consent.

This is the purpose of flake.lock: it pins the precise version (the commit id) of all of your project's flake.nix-specified dependencies.

Upgrading to the lastest version of nain4 available of master

If you want to upgrade to the most recent version of nain4 available on its master branch, see here.

Using other versions of nain4

By default, flake.nix instructs your system to use the latest master and flake.lock pins it to a specific version of master. But you can specify other versions of any dependency, including ones which are not located in the official repository. Here a few examples of how you might modify the corresponding line in your project's flake.nix:

  • Use a preview of a feature being developed on the some-experimental-feature branch in the nain4 repo.

    nain4.url = "github:jacg/nain4?branch=some-experimental-feature"

  • Use a specific tagged version of nain4.

    nain4.url = "github:jacg/nain4?ref=v1.2.3"

  • Use a specific commit available in the nain4 repo.

    nain4.url = "github:jacg/nain4?ref=9b4699ca25539d41bd1f5965a341be5e8ff862f1"

  • Use a version of nain4 made available in a repo other than the official nain4 one.

    nain4.url = "github:gonzaponte/nain4?branch=cool-idea"

  • Use a version of nain4 being developed on your own machine.

    nain4.url = "/home/me/src/nain4?branch=cool-idea"

For the full details, see the Nix manual.

Don't forget that, after switching to a different version of nain4, you may need to just clean and recompile your code, to avoid mysterious and annoying errors caused by stale build artefacts. (Hopefully this will be done for you automatically once nain4 migrates its build infrastructure from cmake to meson.)