How to start a nain4-based project

The following instructions assume that you have nix installed. If not, please see Install nix.

Setting up a new nain4 project

In order to create a nain4-based project use bootstrap-client-project like this:

nix run github:jacg/nain4#bootstrap-client-project path/to/your/project your-chosen-name "one line project description"


  • path/to/your/project should not exist before you run the command.
  • your-chosen-name should be replaced with a name of your choice: this should be a valid identifier in both bash and the Nix language, so, roughly speaking, it should not contain any spaces, slashes or other dodgy characters. It will be used to name various things within your project.
  • "one line project description" should be replaced with some text of your choice. Don't forget the quotes.

Basic usage

  • just run -n 100: run the application in batch mode with /run/beamOn 100
  • just run -g: run the application with the interactive GUI WARNING: unless you are running on
    • NixOS
    • macOS this will probably take a long time the first time you try it, as it will download and compile nixGL which is used to detect graphics hardware automatically and guarantee the presence of the required graphics drivers. On subsequent runs, this overhead will disappear.
  • TODO: describe the early/late CLI options
  • TODO: describe the macro path CLI options

Project contents

Your bootstrapped project will contain the following files

├── flake
│  └── outputs.nix
├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── justfile
├── macs
│  ├── early-cli.mac
│  ├── early-hard-wired.mac
│  ├── late-cli.mac
│  ├── late-hard-wired.mac
│  ├── run.mac
│  ├── vis.mac
│  └── vis2.mac
├── src
│  ├──
│  ├── LXe.hh
│  ├──
│  └──
└── test
  • TODO: discuss the contents of src and test

  • The macs directory contains Geant4 macro files, used to provide some app configuration parameters at runtime.

    • macs/run.mac controls aspects of the simulation
    • macs/vis.mac controls aspects of visulisation (only used in interactive mode)
  • The justfile file defines some recipes for easier usage of the application.

  • The flake directory and flake.lock, flake.nix files describe the dependency tree for your project. In most cases, you will not need to read or modify them.

Make it your project

Because this is a template, there are a number of variables that take a generic name. We encourage you to change them to represent something meaningfull to you. You can find these variables by running

grep -Rn CHANGEME .

on the root folder of your project. You will see an output with several lines like

[file]:[line-number]:#CHANGEME: [description]

Open those files with your favourite text editor and rename those variables.